Scooters are a Fun and Inexpensive Way to Get Around Town

仅次于经典自行车, 摩托车 are the most popular two-wheeled mode of transportation worldwide. It’s estimated that over six million 摩托车 are now in circulation around the globe. 即使在最偏远的地方, third-world countries you’re bound to find 摩托车 flitting around town or from town to town. 即便如此, 摩托车 still tend to elicit a snicker when anyone suggests them as a viable form of transportation. 摩托车认为投票更合法, 崎岖的, popular pick when it comes to two-wheeled modes of transportation.

yellow-scooterThat said, this mindset has started to shift in recent years as 摩托车 gain traction in the market. 有这么多好处,不难看出原因. These funky forms of getting around town are fun, fuel-efficient, stylish. 然而,它们并不便宜. Deciding to buy a new scooter is still a major decision that will impact your monthly budget. It’s important to crunch the numbers before diving in. Most people don’t have extra cash lying around for a purchase like this; they need scooter financing to get the job done.

继续往下读,了解更多 摩托车 and discover a few reasons to join the scooter craze. You’ll also find some tips and tricks for finding the perfect new or used scooter for sale in your area.


The history of the scooter goes back to around 1817 when Baron Karl von Drais de Sauerbrun of Germany unveiled his two-wheeled, 人力运输装置. His first scooter gave birth to the idea of other velocipedes: bicycles, 三轮车, 还有滑板车, 它开始在整个欧洲出现. 到19世纪40年代, 摩托车上安装了发动机, 在1915年, the Autoped Company of America started manufacturing self-propelled 摩托车 in its plant in Queens, 纽约. 而许多美国人认为它们是新鲜事物, 摩托车 turned out to be the perfect way to cover distances that were too long to be practical on foot but short enough that getting the car out seemed almost silly.

The scooter gained popularity as a mode of transportation. People soon realized the benefit to be had in getting from point A to point B faster. 商人们开始通勤上班. Military bases began using them as a rapid messenger system; the scooter was a great resource because it allowed messengers to deliver messages much faster than running them by foot across the base. World War II sparked more civilian use of the scooter as fuel rations became common. People began to ditch cars for this more economical option. Scooters were soon being ridden by everyone from the local mail carrier to prominent socialites and explorers like Amelia Earhart.


如今,有这么多的爱 现代滑板车, you’ll find new 摩托车 for sale all over the place. Scooter manufacturers have done a great job of upping the ante when it comes to design. From the classic Italian Vespa to sportier motorcycle-type replicas, modern 摩托车 offer designs that appeal to the masses. Color schemes are also appealing and give owners a chance to display a little personality. 哈瓦那人橙, 微笑奶油黄, or calming turquoise are just a few of the many unusual options.

The modern-day scooter also comes in a variety of engine choices. The size of the scooter’s engine is noted by the number of ccs listed in the description. The higher the number, the larger and more powerful the engine. Scooters with a smaller engine offer the best in fuel economy. They’re a great option for someone looking for a weekend ride or an alternative for a short commute. Bigger engines are good for cross-town trips or for touring companies

If you’re considering buying a scooter for the first time, 你可能想看看出售的二手滑板车. Buying used is an excellent place for beginners to start. Used 摩托车 are more affordable, the smaller engine models are relatively easy to find. You’ll save money by looking for a used scooter for sale.


Even though a new or used scooter is much less expensive than a brand new car, it’s still an expense that requires some consideration, some may need to take out a loan to get the scooter they want. Depending on a variety of factors (including the brand, 引擎的大小, 以及车型年份), a new scooter for sale can cost up to several thousand dollars. 二手滑板车便宜一点, 但这些便利的交通工具很好地保值, so you’ll still need a sizable chunk of change to make the big purchase.

幸运的是, there are a variety of scooter financing options on the market, 包括二手摩托车极速赛车彩票选项. 找到一个经销商提供 内部极速赛车彩票 因为你的摩托车是你最好的选择. 只要有合适的经销商, 购买周转时间是快速和容易的, you can usually ride away on your new scooter the same day. Paying for your new scooter is no longer an obstacle with on the spot scooter financing.


Now that you know a little bit more about the scooter fad, 是时候找个地方买一件大件了! 极速赛车彩票网站 is one of the largest power sports dealers in North Carolina. We have one of the largest inventories in the state, 在极速赛车彩票的土地上, you’re bound to find a variety of used 摩托车 to suit any budget or personality.

At 极速赛车彩票网站, you’ll also find a team of people who have been helping consumers buy used 摩托车, 摩托车, 全地形交通工具 十多年来. 极速赛车彩票也可以帮助你. 极速赛车彩票网站 serves the major North Carolina metropolitan areas, 包括罗利, 达勒姆, Youngsville, 卡里, 教堂山分校, 亨德森, 加纳, Knightsdale, 牛津大学和维克森林大学. Another great thing to note: 极速赛车彩票网站 provides financing to people with bad credit. 所以即使你过去有过信用问题, 一辆新的或用过的滑板车仍然在你的范围内. 是时候让你的滑板车梦想成真了. 今天就访问极速赛车彩票网站吧!